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Linda van Ekelenburg

was assembled in San Francisco from German parts. She participates in the Partner Program of the online Quora community, as well as several social media groups sharing information about the cultural, military, and political aspects of World War II in the United States and the Netherlands. Her independent study of the Holocaust spans decades.


The author is a long-time member of the American Association of Teachers of German, the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, the American Translators Association, the National Association of Good Grammar (that’s right! NAGG), and the Society for Germanic Linguistics. 


Other interests include social history, current affairs, and movies. She has never been in prison, or photographed her meal. She is open-minded, but not to the extent that her brains will fall out. The mother of two perfect adult children, she lives in the California wine country with her prince of a husband, Mark, without whose encouragement this book could not have been written.

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